Syncing bash profile between computers
I have tons of stuff in my .bash_profile. The problem is, I use ~3 computers very frequently, and I'm tired of having to copy paste my prefs everywhere. Two of them run Ubuntu 10.10, and one runs OSX. I was wondering if there was a way to use Dropbox, to share a single prefs file. Like, when bash starts, tell it to check ~/Dropbox/Bash/.bash_profile
Although, could I also tell emacs to look in ~/Dropbox/Emacs/.emacs
Solution 1:
if [ -f $DROPBOX_PROFILE ]; then
(load "~/Dropbox/Emacs/.emacs")
Solution 2:
How about this, which avoids having special config files that source the Dropbox versions?
$ ln -s ~/Dropbox/Bash/.bash_profile ~/.bash_profile
$ ln -s ~/Dropbox/Emacs/.emacs ~/.emacs
Solution 3:
In your regular .bash_profile, just call ~/Dropbox/Bash/.bash_profile.
. ~/Dropbox/Bash/.bash_profile # the '.' command runs a file.
Actually, you probably want to call the shared file something else, or at least not make it a hidden file.
Solution 4:
I think this would get what you want, just check to see if the file exists, if so, source it.
in $HOME/.bash_profile
[ -f $HOME/Dropbox/Bash/.bash_profile ] && source $HOME/Dropbox/Bash/.bash_profile