MySQL Sum() multiple columns

I have a table of student scorecard. here is the table,

subject  | mark1 | mark2 | mark3 |......|markn
stud1    | 99    | 87    | 92    |      | 46
stud2    |....................................
studn    |....................................|

Now, i need to sum it for each student of total marks. I got it by using sum(mark1+mark2+...+markn) group by stud. I want to know how to sum it without adding each column name,it will be huge when in case up to marks26. so could anyone know how to fix it. Thanks in advance.

SELECT student, (SUM(mark1)+SUM(mark2)+SUM(mark3)....+SUM(markn)) AS Total
 FROM your_table
 GROUP BY student

Another way of doing this is by generating the select query. Play with this fiddle.

SELECT CONCAT('SELECT ', group_concat(`COLUMN_NAME` SEPARATOR '+'), ' FROM scorecard') 
WHERE `TABLE_SCHEMA` = (select database()) 
AND   `TABLE_NAME`   = 'scorecard'

The query above will generate another query that will do the selecting for you.

  1. Run the above query.
  2. Get the result and run that resulting query.

Sample result:

SELECT mark1+mark2+mark3 FROM scorecard

You won't have to manually add all the columns anymore.