Unintended rm-rf command on server

I was trying to remove a directory on my server when I unintentionally ran the following command (notice the space) as root

rm -rf db /*

can someone tell me, in what ways this must have impacted my server, since I can see I can no longer access some of the sites on my server.
I am getting a 500 error on these sites.

Any help is appreciated.

Wow...Sorry...that's bad. You just deleted pretty much everything on your server. Time to reinstall and restore from backups.

In the future, you might want to put this little line in your bashrc and stop running as root on your server:

alias rm="rm -i"

Like Jason Berg said, your're mostly screwed.

You should use this alias to prevent this from happening:

alias rm="rm --preserve-root"

You can recover some files if any running processes have them open: http://www.linux.com/archive/feed/58142