SHA1 vs md5 vs SHA256: which to use for a PHP login?

Solution 1:

Neither. You should use bcrypt. The hashes you mention are all optimized to be quick and easy on hardware, and so cracking them share the same qualities. If you have no other choice, at least be sure to use a long salt and re-hash multiple times.

Using bcrypt in PHP 5.5+

PHP 5.5 offers new functions for password hashing. This is the recommend approach for password storage in modern web applications.

// Creating a hash
$hash = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT, ['cost' => 12]);
// If you omit the ['cost' => 12] part, it will default to 10

// Verifying the password against the stored hash  
if (password_verify($password, $hash)) {
    // Success! Log the user in here.

If you're using an older version of PHP you really should upgrade, but until you do you can use password_compat to expose this API.

Also, please let password_hash() generate the salt for you. It uses a CSPRNG.

Two caveats of bcrypt

  1. Bcrypt will silently truncate any password longer than 72 characters.
  2. Bcrypt will truncate after any NUL characters.

(Proof of Concept for both caveats here.)

You might be tempted to resolve the first caveat by pre-hashing your passwords before running them through bcrypt, but doing so can cause your application to run headfirst into the second.

Instead of writing your own scheme, use an existing library written and/or evaluated by security experts.

  • Zend\Crypt (part of Zend Framework) offers BcryptSha
  • PasswordLock is similar to BcryptSha but it also encrypts the bcrypt hashes with an authenticated encryption library.

TL;DR - Use bcrypt.

Solution 2:

I think using md5 or sha256 or any hash optimized for speed is perfectly fine and am very curious to hear any rebuttle other users might have. Here are my reasons

  1. If you allow users to use weak passwords such as God, love, war, peace then no matter the encryption you will still be allowing the user to type in the password not the hash and these passwords are often used first, thus this is NOT going to have anything to do with encryption.

  2. If your not using SSL or do not have a certificate then attackers listening to the traffic will be able to pull the password and any attempts at encrypting with javascript or the like is client side and easily cracked and overcome. Again this is NOT going to have anything to do with data encryption on server side.

  3. Brute force attacks will take advantage weak passwords and again because you allow the user to enter the data if you do not have the login limitation of 3 or even a little more then the problem will again NOT have anything to do with data encryption.

  4. If your database becomes compromised then most likely everything has been compromised including your hashing techniques no matter how cryptic you've made it. Again this could be a disgruntled employee XSS attack or sql injection or some other attack that has nothing to do with your password encryption.

I do believe you should still encrypt but the only thing I can see the encryption does is prevent people that already have or somehow gained access to the database from just reading out loud the password. If it is someone unauthorized to on the database then you have bigger issues to worry about that's why Sony got took because they thought an encrypted password protected everything including credit card numbers all it does is protect that one field that's it.

The only pure benefit I can see to complex encryptions of passwords in a database is to delay employees or other people that have access to the database from just reading out the passwords. So if it's a small project or something I wouldn't worry to much about security on the server side instead I would worry more about securing anything a client might send to the server such as sql injection, XSS attacks or the plethora of other ways you could be compromised. If someone disagrees I look forward to reading a way that a super encrypted password is a must from the client side.

The reason I wanted to try and make this clear is because too often people believe an encrypted password means they don't have to worry about it being compromised and they quit worrying about securing the website.