AngularJS: list all form errors

Solution 1:

As @c0bra pointed out in the comments the form.$error object is populated, it just doesn't like being dumped out as JSON.

Looping through form.$errors and it's nested objects will get the desired result however.

  <li ng-repeat="(key, errors) in form.$error track by $index"> <strong>{{ key }}</strong> errors
      <li ng-repeat="e in errors">{{ e.$name }} has an error: <strong>{{ key }}</strong>.</li>

All the credit goes to c0bra on this.

Another option is to use one of the solutions from this question to assign unique names to the dynamically created inputs.

Solution 2:

I made a function that you pass the form to. If there are form errors it will display them in the console. It shows the objects so you can take a look. I put this in my save function.

function formErrors(form){
  var errors = [];
  for(var key in form.$error){
    errors.push(key + "=" + form.$error);
  if(errors.length > 0){
    console.log("Form Has Errors");

Solution 3:

Brett DeWoody's answer is correct. I wanted to do the logic in my controller though. So I wrote the below, which is based off of the answer user5045936 gave. This may also help some of you who want to go the controller route. By the way Im using the toaster directive to show my users validation messages.

 if (!vm.myForm.$valid) {
            var errors = [];

            for (var key in vm.myForm.$error) {
                for (var index = 0; index < vm.myForm.$error[key].length; index++) {
                    errors.push(vm.myForm.$error[key][index].$name + ' is required.');

            toaster.pop('warning', 'Information Missing', 'The ' + errors[0]);


Solution 4:

If you have nested forms then you will find this helpful:

 function touchErrorFields(form) {
    angular.forEach(form.$error, function (field) {
      angular.forEach(field, function(errorField) {
        if (!errorField.hasOwnProperty('$setTouched')) {
        } else {