Multiple directives [myPopup, myDraggable] asking for new/isolated scope

From docs:

Example scenarios of multiple incompatible directives applied to the same element include:

Multiple directives requesting isolated scope.

Multiple directives publishing a controller under the same name.

Multiple directives declared with the transclusion option.

Multiple directives attempting to define a template or templateURL.

Try removing isolate scope on myDraggable's directive:

app.directive('myDraggable', ['$document',
    function ($document) {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        replace: false,
        scope: { enabled: '=myDraggable' }, //remove this line

Replace scope.enabled with attrs.enabled:

if (attrs.enabled == "true") {

And modify your template to bind the enable attribute:

<div my-draggable="draggable" enabled="{{draggable}}"


A DOM element is creating a collision with your attempted isolate scopes. Therefore, you should always ask yourself if an isolate scope is needed.

Consider removing the isolate scope on myDraggable, interpolating the myDraggable value (like you did with isDraggable), and accessing the attribute in the link function.

<div class="draggable" my-draggable="{{isDraggable}}">I am draggable {{isDraggable}}</div>

replace: false,

link: function (scope, elm, attrs) {
  var startX, startY, initialMouseX, initialMouseY,
      enabled = attrs.myDraggable === 'true';
  if (enabled === true) {


See your updated Plunker here and notice the change in the myPopup template.

If you want to see the myDraggable attribute changes then implement something like:

attrs.$observe('myDraggable', function(iVal) {
  enabled = iVal === 'true';
  // AND/OR
  if (iVal === 'true') doSomething();

See Angular Attribute Docs $observe function

my error was similar:

Error: [$compile:multidir] Multiple directives [groups, groups] asking for new/isolated scope on:

In my case I had duplicate declaration of

 .component('groups', new GroupsComponent()); 

in app.js/app.ts file

and at the same time on the component itself

const groups = angular.module('groups', ['toaster'])
.component('groups', new GroupsComponent());

Removing it from app.js/app.ts fixed the issue.

There is a way to work around it.

You will not isolate scope of the directive, instead of it, we will create a new isolated scope using $new method . This method creates a new child scope, if you use true at 1st parameter it will create an isolated scope:

If true, then the scope does not prototypically inherit from the parent scope. The scope is isolated, as it can not see parent >scope properties. When creating widgets, it is useful for the widget to not accidentally read parent state.

But it isn't a problem because we have access to private scope by the directive link function, so is possible to work parallel with "parent" and isolated scope into a very close behavior of a directive with an isolated scope.

Se the example bellow:

app.directive('myDraggable', ['$document',
    function ($document) {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        replace: false,
        scope: false,
        //scope: { enabled: '=myDraggable', oneWayAttr: "@" }, //Just for reference I introduced a new 
        link: function(parentScope, elem, attr) {
        var scope = parentScope.$new(true); //Simulated isolation.
            scope.oneWayAttr = attr.oneWayAttr; //one-way binding @
            scope.myDraggable = parentScope.$parent.$eval(attr.myDraggable);

            scope.watchmyDraggable = function () {
                    return scope.myDraggable = parentScope.$parent.$eval(attr.myDraggable); //parent -> isolatedscope
            scope.$watch(scope.watchmyDraggable, function(newValue, oldValue) {

            parentScope.innerScope = scope; //If you need view access, you must create a kind of symbolic link to it.


I developed this work around to a validation directive, that's works very well.