grunt throw "Recursive process.nextTick detected"

I finally figured out a similar problem I was having with SASS. I was using

grunt.registerTask('sass', [ 'sass']);

The trick was that Grunt doesn't seem to like the repetition in names. When I switch to

grunt.registerTask('styles', [ 'sass']);

Everything worked as it should.

Just had this problem. Resolved it by removing grunt.registerTask('watch', [ 'watch']);

I just fixed a similar error "Recursive process.nextTick detected" causing by command: grunt server

The solution? Use sudo grunt serve instead

you could try this one, it fixed the issue for me, working with Yeoman 1.3.3 and Ubuntu 14.04 Grunt watch error - Waiting...Fatal error: watch ENOSPC

I was getting error in even trying to install grunt. Running npm dedupe solved my problem as answered here: Grunt watch error - Waiting...Fatal error: watch ENOSPC