O(n) as embedded submanifold

I think you have almost done. As you said, it suffices to show that $\mathrm{Id}$ is a regular value of $f$, i.e. for each $A\in O(n)$, $f_*:T_A M_{n\times n}\to T_{\mathrm{Id}}Sym_n$ is surjective, where $T_pX$ denotes the tangent space of $X$ at $p$. Note that $T_A M_{n\times n}$(resp. $T_{\mathrm{Id}}Sym_n$) can be identified with $M_{n\times n}$(resp. $Sym_n$) and, as you have known, $f_*(X)=XA^t+AX^t$. Then you only need to verify that for any $S\in Sym_n$, there exists $X\in M_{n\times n}$, such that $XA^t+AX^t=S$. At least you may choose $X=\dfrac{1}{2}SA$.