Hitman: Blood Money "you better watch out ..." Dropping bug

In the you better watch out mission when you drop any thing with the G key or even try to store weapons in cases, the game crashes. This makes it very hard to achieve a silent assassin rating. Is there any fix for this? Edit: ok wikia says this bug only happens on cracked games soo it makes achievement of silent assassin impossible because you cant use the bomb to make an accident and cant use the sausage to render the dog unconcious , because the dog actually is counted as a witness :|

Solution 1:

Use syringe to poison a sausage. At the point where you wanna throw/drop it, just take it in your hand, holster it and unholster it again like you would do a gun (by the Inventory button/key). The game counts it as dropped and the dog performs the eating and dying animation. Happy gaming.

I found a workaround for this bug that has apparently been a nuisance to a lot of people after feeling nostalgic and playing Blood Money again. The way the "intentional" drop item function crashes the game I thought of non-intentional ways and thought up a few rather weird ones (such as when 47 drops something he's carrying when he wants to drag a body) but they won't end in Silent Assassin rating for obvious reasons. I tried clicking it at him while sneaking and a lot of other stuff. I finally came across this chance solution. It's been double checked and works. I assume whoever's got to this problem already knows everything else on how to get SA rating, so I'll skip the details.

Solution 2:

I got a Silent Assassin without drop. All u need to do is run towards your target & push him off the ledge using LMB(let the dog bark....nobody cares about a dog's opinion if there's no dead body around).