How to get the absolute coordinates of a view

Solution 1:

Use View.getLocationOnScreen() and/or getLocationInWindow().

Solution 2:

The accepted answer didn't actually tell how to get the location, so here is a little more detail. You pass in an int array of length 2 and the values are replaced with the view's (x, y) coordinates (of the top, left corner).

int[] location = new int[2];
int x = location[0];
int y = location[1];


  • Replacing getLocationOnScreen with getLocationInWindow should give the same results in most cases (see this answer). However, if you are in a smaller window like a Dialog or custom keyboard, then use you will need to choose which one better suits your needs.
  • You will get (0,0) if you call this method in onCreate because the view has not been laid out yet. You can use a ViewTreeObserver to listen for when the layout is done and you can get the measured coordinates. (See this answer.)

Solution 3:

First you have to get the localVisible rectangle of the view

For eg:

Rect rectf = new Rect();

//For coordinates location relative to the parent

//For coordinates location relative to the screen/display

Log.d("WIDTH        :", String.valueOf(rectf.width()));
Log.d("HEIGHT       :", String.valueOf(rectf.height()));
Log.d("left         :", String.valueOf(rectf.left));
Log.d("right        :", String.valueOf(rectf.right));
Log.d("top          :", String.valueOf(;
Log.d("bottom       :", String.valueOf(rectf.bottom));

Hope this will help