Extraction of data from a simple XML file

Solution 1:

Do you really have to use only those tools? They're not designed for XML processing, and although it's possible to get something that works OK most of the time, it will fail on edge cases, like encoding, line breaks, etc.

I recommend xml_grep:

xml_grep 'job' jobs.xml --text_only

Which gives the output:


On ubuntu/debian, xml_grep is in the xml-twig-tools package.

Solution 2:

 grep '<job' file_name | cut -f2 -d">"|cut -f1 -d"<"

Solution 3:

Using xmlstarlet:

echo '<job xmlns="http://www.sample.com/">programming</job>' | \
   xmlstarlet sel -N var="http://www.sample.com/" -t -m "//var:job" -v '.'