photo caption ... me or I? [duplicate]

In a photo caption, if we use the elliptical 'My kids and me', would 'me' be correct, or would 'I' be correct? It seems as though it could go both ways.

[This is a picture of] 'My kids and me' or 'Me and the kids'.


'My kids and I' [are in this picture]

Which is the correct choice -- 'me' or 'I' in these elliptical constructions?

Thank you

Solution 1:

Either is fine. Alice and me means

This is a picture of Alice and me at the beach.

You're both objects of the preposition "of," so you use the objective case. Alice and I means

In this picture, Alice and I are at the beach.

Now you're both are subjects, so you use the nominative case. It's your picture, so it's your choice of caption.