Force PowerPoint to paste in place like every other graphics editor in the world?

If you only need one copy, you can Copy the object with Ctrl + C, hit an arrow key once then paste with Ctrl + V.

Now it is offset by just 1 arrow hit, not 22.

If you want more than one, hit the arrow key each time after pasting.

Here is the way I use :

  1. ctrl+x to cut the object
  2. ctrl+v to paste the object (it will be at the same place)
  3. move the pasted object where you want.
  4. ctrl+v to put back the original (it will be also at the same place).

I still haven't find a real solution to this annoying "feature". The best workaround I've found is:

  • Duplicate the object pressing Ctrl+Shift and move it a little bit to duplicate, then re-align it on top of the previous object.

Here's a workaround that currently works for me in PowerPoint 2016:

  1. Copy and paste the original object to create a (displaced) duplicate.

  2. Select both the original and the duplicate and copy them to the clipboard.

  3. Delete the duplicate.

  4. Paste.

  5. Delete the new copy of the duplicate.

The copied version of the original is in exactly the same location, presumably because PowerPoint notices that the pasted objects do not exactly match the slide contents.

It's still very annoying having to take (by my count) eight steps for which should be two key presses, but it's better than nothing.

I work with align options. Select all the objects then align them to right first. Since all objects are still selected, I go to align option again and click on align top.