Word meaning "open to being persuaded by a strong argument"?

To be used in a phrase like

  • "especially civil, thoughtful, and ___ expressions of differing beliefs" (this is closest to the primary use case)


  • "especially civil, thoughtful, and ___ attitudes toward disagreement"


Edited in from comments below:

"Reasonable" would more likely be interpreted as logical/valid in the phrases above, though in another context it would fit perfectly as meaning "open to being persuaded".

"Approachable" is very close, though I'm looking for something with a more natural hint toward persuasion rather than just friendliness.

"Convincible" is in the right direction, but perhaps a bit too far. I want the understood meaning to be that the person welcomes differing perspectives and is open to changing their mind, but isn't very easily persuaded because they have good reasons for their position. (Rather than because they're stubborn, or because they are very highly educated about a subject.)


I looked through similar questions and did a few searches on Google and on here, and asked on reddit, but haven't found what I'm looking for.

I'm not looking for "open-minded" (too broad) or "tentative" (too uncertain of oneself). "Open-ended" conveys something similar, but applies more to processes or decisions than to beliefs/perceptions. "Flexible" is too "open" for what I'm aiming for.

"Persuadable" is closer, but not quite what I'm looking for I feel like there's another "p" word that has a closer meaning. "Pluralistic" as a description of decision-making is also along the same lines, but I don't think it's the word that is trying to get my attention from somewhere inside of my brain.

I suppose that I could make up a word, like "paritous" (meaning "treating things equally"), but I'm still hoping that there's someone out there who has a better word, or who can provide the "p" word I'm thinking of (if it actually exists, rather than being a vague mis-memory in my brain).

"Receptive" is closer to what I'm after than "amenable" or "suggestible" are. I'm looking for "potentially open to being persuaded" more than "easily persuaded" or "readily yielding" or something similar.

This meaning may not be the first that springs to mind when we encounter the word reasonable in isolation, but this is certainly among its available meanings, and in the right context the word will be read or heard as meaning thus. OED:

willing to listen to or prepared to see reason.

For the trait of convinceability or permeability to ideas, there's Persuadable, Influenceable, and Suggestible (an interesting trio of words, each appends -able in a different way).

There's also words like Tractable, Biddable, Amenable, Pliant, but they don't imply reasoning, but rather obedience.

Tolerant or Indulgent could work, though that implies putting up with the expression of ideas, rather than being convinced by them.

Interested, Welcoming... they suggest that dissent is invited, but not necessarily heeded: perhaps they only invite dissent because they like the chance to argue their own side!

But I actually think you nailed it in the title. "Open (to)". A person is "especially civil, thoughtful, and OPEN TO expressions of differing beliefs". A person has "especially civil, thoughtful, and OPEN attitudes toward disagreement".

Webster says:

"10a: characterized by ready accessibility and usually generous attitude: as [...] (2): willing to hear and consider or to accept and deal with: responsive."

That's certainly the term I've always used for this, but I guess I'm open to others.

It seems you have explored all possibilities. I can suggest the following:

  • "approachable"? - "The supervisor is quite approachable, so don't hesitate to bring up any problems you have."

  • "accessible"? - "Talk to our director and you'll find he's accessible to new ideas."

  • "open and responsive"?, "unbiased"?

I still think "receptive" fits better than any of my suggestions.