Accessing $scope in AngularJS factory?

You don't typically use $scope inside a factory, service or provider. Usually, you would return the promise (returned by $http) and then handle the promise in a controller (where you do have $scope).

factory.edit = function(id){
    return $http.get('?controller=store&action=getDetail&id=' + id);

Controller function:

$scope.edit = function(id) {

    deleteFac.edit(id).then(function(response) {
        $scope.something = response.model;

I guess you meant this:

app.factory('deleteFac', function($http){

  var service = {}; 

   factory.edit = function(id, success, error){
        var promise = $http.get('?controller=store&action=getDetail&id=' + id);

   return service;

Then in your controller you do:

function MyController($scope, deleteFac){
   deleteFac.edit($, function(data){
       //here you have access to your scope.

The following trick is a very bad practice, but you can use it if you are in a hurry:

Exchange the $scope with: angular.element('[ng-controller=CtrlName]').scope()