How to install adobe reader .bin download from Adobe [duplicate]

If you downloaded Adobe-Reader from the Adobe website and wish to install it see below.

Installing Adobe Reader .bin

First open your Downloads folder, then right click on the AdbeRdr9.5.1-1_i486linux_enu.bin and select Properties. Under the permissions tab tick / select Allow Executing File As A Program.

Next open a terminal and change to your Downloads folder:

cd Downloads

Then install Adobe Reader using :

sudo ./AdbeRdr9.5.1-1_i486linux_enu.bin  

Enter your password when prompted and wait for it to Install.

When prompted for the installation directory, press enter to accept the default.

Adobe Reader can then be started from the Dash, Desktop shortcut or by right clicking a .pdf file.

If running Ubuntu 64-bit, it may be necessary to install the 32-bit libraries.

 apt-get install ia32-libs 

  • Open the Ubuntu Software Center, and select Edit->Software Sources.
  • Click on the "Other Software" tab, and check "Canonical Partners".
  • Close Software sources, close Ubuntu Software Center, and open Ubuntu Software Center again
  • Search for "acroread", select Adobe Reader or acroread (can't remember which shows up, same thing though), and click on Install (you might have to enter your password)