what are you using to store your LTO3 tapes?

I have about 50-75 LTO3 tapes stacked in my server room. Does anyone have any creative solutions on how to properly store them so they're easily accessed?

All the LTO3 cabinets I see are thousands of dollars, which seems overpriced to me.

Not really creative, but you might want to consider a fireproof safe (preferably as far away from the server room as possible).

This is budget and location dependant, but companies exist that will store your backup tapes offsite and bring you the relevant ones for changing each (day|week|month) and will courier them to you in the event of an emergency situation.

Take a look at some of the consumer media racks. Some of those will work with LTO cartridges and are a whole lot cheaper than the "professional" racks. They're basically just book cases with a lot of shelves. One with the shelves tilting back a little would probably be nicer because they won't fall out if you bump one.