How to extend Java annotation?

In my project I use pre-defined annotation @With:

public class Test { //....

The source code of @With:

public @interface With { 

    Class<?>[] value() default {};

I want to write custom annotation @Secure, which will have the same effect as @With(Secure.class). How to do that?

What if I do like this? Will it work?

public @interface Secure {


As piotrek pointed out, you cannot extend Annotations in the sense of inheritance. Still, you can create Annotations that aggregate others:

public @interface SuperAnnotation {
    String value();

public @interface SubAnnotation {
    SuperAnnotation superAnnotation();
    String subValue();


@SubAnnotation(subValue = "...", superAnnotation = @SuperAnnotation(value = "superValue"))
class someClass { ... }

From Java language specification, Chapter 9.6 Annotation Types:

No extends clause is permitted. (Annotation types implicitly extend annotation.Annotation.)

So, you can not extend an Annotation. you need to use some other mechanism or create a code that recognize and process your own annotation. Spring allows you to group other Spring's annotation in your own custom annotations. but still, no extending.

To expand on Muhammad Abdurrahman's answer--

public @interface Secure {


This does not work by default but you can use it in conjunction with Spring's AnnotationUtils.

See this SO answer for an example.

public @interface Secure {


This will work.