"Unsplit" article pages on the web

Many articles on the net are split up into multiple pages (commonly called "pagination"). However, this can be quite annoying to read - I would rather have the whole article on my screen at once. In this way, I would be able to scroll down to view the whole article rather than click through multiple pages.

I know that some sites provide a "Print View" option, and some sites do allow you to view all text on one page, but what can I do about sites that don't support this? Is there an add-on for my browser that I can use to show the whole article on one page?

For an example of what I am talking about, see this tutorial.

AutoPager also a Firefox add-on

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The AutoPager Firefox extension automatically loads the next page of a site inline when you reach the end of the current page for infinite scrolling of content. It includes a adblock similar features to allow you filter out the ads from the contents in the loaded page contents.

It works well with most of the greasemonkey scripts. By default AutoPager works with a ton of sites, including Lifehacker, the New York Times, Digg, and, of course, Google. If you want to add your own custom autopaging to unsupported sites, the site wizard feature makes it easy (first pick the Next link, then pick only the content you want loaded. The site workshop provide more features like auto discovery the links and content.

It's configuration is base on XPath. You can find there is a built in function to create a XPath by click some links on the pages. This extension will import online configuration from this sources,these configurations includes support for some widely used sites and some general support for forums.