Rstudio is duplicating commands in the command line

Having a weird problem in R that seems to have come out of nowhere... output in the RStudio terminal is repeated without me asking for it... i.e.,

> 3+4
> 3+4
[1] 7
[1] 7

Anyone else have this issue and have any ideas how to resolve it? I'm also wondering whether it's actually performing the commands twice (and slowing things down considerably!).

Thanks in advance.

I had the same problem in Rstudio 0.98.501. I restarted the R session and it disappeared. It is running the same command twice, which can not only slow things down but give erroneous results if you are transforming an object into the same name.

I had the same problem.

Uninstalling R-Studio (v0.98.484?) & reinstalling latest version (v0.98.507) seems to have fixed the problem.

I am using the 0.98.507 version.

Restaring the Rstudio solved the problem for me.