How to find out if a property is an auto-implemented property with reflection?

Solution 1:

You could check to see if the get or set method is marked with the CompilerGenerated attribute. You could then combine that with looking for a private field that is marked with the CompilerGenerated attribute containing the name of the property and the string "BackingField".


public static bool MightBeCouldBeMaybeAutoGeneratedInstanceProperty(
    this PropertyInfo info
) {
    bool mightBe = info.GetGetMethod()
    if (!mightBe) {
        return false;

    bool maybe = info.DeclaringType
                     .GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
                     .Where(f => f.Name.Contains(info.Name))
                     .Where(f => f.Name.Contains("BackingField"))
                         f => f.GetCustomAttributes(

        return maybe;

It's not fool proof, quite brittle and probably not portable to, say, Mono.

Solution 2:

This should do:

public static bool IsAutoProperty(this PropertyInfo prop)
    return prop.DeclaringType.GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
                             .Any(f => f.Name.Contains("<" + prop.Name + ">"));

The reason is that for auto-properties the Name property of the backing FieldInfo would look like:


Since characters < and > wouldn't appear for normal fields, a field with that kind of naming points to a backing field of an auto-property. As Jason says, its brittle still.

Or to make it a tad faster,

public static bool IsAutoProperty(this PropertyInfo prop)
    if (!prop.CanWrite || !prop.CanRead)
        return false;

    return prop.DeclaringType.GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
                             .Any(f => f.Name.Contains("<" + prop.Name + ">"));