sed plus sign doesn't work

I'm trying to replace /./ or /././ or /./././ to / only in bash script. I've managed to create regex for sed but it doesn't work.

variable=$(echo $variable | sed "s/\/(\.\/)+/\//g")
echo $variable # this should output "something/"

When I tried to replace only /./ substring it worked with regex in sed \/\.\/. Does sed regex requires more flags to use multiplication of substring with + or *?

Use -r option to make sed to use extended regular expression:

$ variable="something/./././"
$ echo $variable | sed -r "s/\/(\.\/)+/\//g"

Any sed:

sed 's|/\(\./\)\{1,\}|/|g'

But a + or \{1,\} would not even be required in this case, a * would do nicely, so

sed 's|/\(\./\)*|/|g'

should suffice

Two things to make it simple:

$ variable="something/./././"
$ sed -r 's#(\./){1,}##' <<< "$variable"
  • Use {1,} to indicate one or more patterns. You won't need g with this.
  • Use different delimiterers # in above case to make it readable
  • + is ERE so you need to enable -E or -r option to use it

You can also do this with bash's built-in parameter substitution. This doesn't require sed, which doesn't accept -r on a Mac under OS X:

a=${variable/\/*/}/                   # Remove slash and everything after it, then re-apply slash afterwards
echo $a

See here for explanation and other examples.