How to make Sphinx Respect Importing Classes Into Package with

I have a package:

  • foo
    • has a class Foo. In I import class Foo so users can do:

from foo import Foo

Sphinx rightly documents Foo as, which is right but confusing to users. How do I get Sphinx to document it as foo.Foo?

It's also important to get the overall module documentation associated with the right module.

Sphinx documents something called:


but when I use it in the first comment in a file, the doc is still attributed to

Solution 1:

The value of the __module__ attribute is the name of the module in which a class/function/method was defined (see The attribute is writable so it can be redefined in

Foo.__module__ = "foo"

Now if you use .. automodule:: foo, the qualified name of the Foo class will be shown as foo.Foo in the generated module documentation.

As an alternative to __module__-fiddling, you can use autoclass instead of automodule.

.. autoclass:: foo.Foo will produce the wanted output.

Solution 2:

Refer this answer for a solution.

In your case, modify your file to:

# This lets you use as foo.Foo in your code.
from .foo import Foo

# This lets Sphinx know you want to document as foo.Foo.
__all__ = ['Foo']