Unable to make outlet connection to a constraint in IB

Here is a picture of me doing it. I'm control-dragging from the constraint to the header file.

enter image description here

In real life I'm more likely to control-drag to the anonymous category in the implementation file, because I don't want an IBOutlet property to be public. So here's a picture of that too. Sorry, this screen shot does not show the cursor: it is at the bottom end of the stretch line.

enter image description here

You can make an outlet connection by:

  1. Opening the assistant editor and then ctrl+drag your textview to the respective header file. You should see a property created for the textview.

  2. Manually type @property(nonatomic,retain)IBOutlet UITextField *yourTextField; .Open the assistant editor, drag from the small empty circle(left to the property) to the corresponding control in your view controller.

If you are still not able to make the connection, clean, save your project and then try again.