Fixing copy/paste for Remote Desktop Connection sessions [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Can't copy and paste in Remote Desktop Connection session

Recently I have been working with Remote Desktop Connection. I use it to access a virtual machine implemented through Hyper-V.

I have had many problems with the simple operation of cut-and-paste from my machine to the virtual one. The link between my clipboard and the remote clipboard is often broken. It is usual that this happens, when I copy/cut in the remote machine and then copy in my computer and then paste in the remote machine,

How do I fix this?

Solution 1:

I have learnt how to solve it from this article: (This link has died, so I've updated it to point to an snapshot. -ed.)

To make it short: You have to stop the application called rdpclip.exe in your remote machine. Then you go to Run, and write rdpclip.exe to restart this app. The link between the clipboards is recovered.

Reason: The clipboard implements what is called " clipboard viewer chain " and is application-controlled, that is to say, that every application that is added to this chain is responsible of passing on notification messages to the next viewer in the chain, there are apps that don't pass the messages and this causes the problem (in Vista is solved).

(there is a wider explanation here: )