Putting servers inside a refrigerator? [closed]

Because opening the fridge would add a lot of humid air to the environment, that condenses on the cold server parts, builds up drops, and destroys your servers.

Someone else tried it with a freezer:

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Just kidding, this was intended by some encryption breakers, but it fitted too good in this question *g

Three servers? You do not need any special cooling for just three servers.

A/C controller server rooms are for hundreds of servers, not three. Just as long as you keep them out of direct sunlight, you'll be fine.

I live in Australia where the amient temperature can get up to 40 celcius easilly on a summers day - you'll be fine with just three servers.

Additionally, most rack mounted servers I know are 80cm deep. Unless your fridge is freakishly deep, you won't fit them anyway.