Has Apple hidden any tributes to Steve Jobs?

In Apple's software, are there any hidden tributes or memorials to Steve Jobs?

Someone told me you can find his glasses in an app but I can't find them.

The Reading List icon in Safari is a tribute to the glasses.

reading list

Didn't know the story behind the iconic glasses - see this Wall Street Journal article talking about it.

Image from Associated Press

I don't know about glasses, but you have this one :

enter image description here

Apple's latest version of OS X Lion contains a plethora of new features that are being uncovered piece by piece now that the preview version is in the hands of developers. One little gem recently discovered is a new section in the Finder called "All My Files." This feature helps you organize your files by criteria, such as file type, file creation date and last opened date.

The icon for this new section is an image of a filing drawer stuffed with documents and dividers. Zooming in on the documents within this icon, one can see writing that is taken from notable quotes delivered by Steve Jobs and Apple.


This awesome image of a vinyl album found within OS X Lion’s user icons seems normal enough at first – but zooming in on the image reveals that this particular vinyl contains some very interesting songs…

enter image description here

If you’re a fan of Steve Jobs’ keynotes, excitable personality, and unique marketing catchphrases, you’re sure to get some amusement out of this. As you can see, the tracks on the album label are names after Jobs’ famous catchphrases: “Magic”, “Revolution”, “Boom!”, and “Unbelievable.” Now that’s an album I’d love to hear! Yup, the track titles on the record label are all Steve-isms: “Magic”, “Revolution”, “Boom!” and “Unbelievable.” Now that sounds like an album I’d like to listen to.


Here's one more: the TextEdit icon contains the text of Apple's iconic commercial Here's to the crazy ones:

TextEdit icon: Here's to the crazy ones