Is Gwent a good way of making money?

For the Gwent card game in Witcher 3, I notice that I can wager a bet when playing, such as betting 5 coins in the hopes of winning back 10 coins, therefore doubling my investment. I assume that there are other points where I can wager more than 10 coins, which is the most I've seen so far.

What's the most that I can wager in a single game, and where are the games played? Is it actually a reasonable way to make money, or are there faster ways?

Solution 1:

No, you can't wager more than 10.

If I remember correctly, some NPC that can play gwent have a "high stakes" type of betting schema where you may potentially win more money. Usually these types of encounters happen via completing gwent quests.

Once your deck gets big enough and your level is high enough (like lvl ~25), you can compete in the "High Stakes" tournament (it's a quest) and win a lot of money... after you fight a group of thugs and other competitors. So yeah, don't do it before level 19 or 20.

As a side note, I think the best way to win money in Witcher 3 is to find treasure chests and complete witcher contracts.

Edit: Someone else pointed out that you have to pay 1000 up front to enter the High Stakes tournament. Absolutely true. You can't do it if you don't have the $$$.

Solution 2:

If you have blood and wine many npc's will bet for 50 which can net you 100 every win, not the best method but its consistant and reliable

Solution 3:

From my first play-through I cannot remember a single opponent where I could bet more than 100 coins. Many of the opponents where I could bet more than 10 coins I could only play against once. Those where I could play several times would only offer to bet at most 10 coins after I beat them the first time.

I found that there are more interesting ways to make money. Especially at higher levels just running around the map doing quests, killing bandits, wolves, and selling loot at the right vendors, gives significant amounts of money.

You can make a gwent deck where you reliably win more than 95% of the matches, so you can use gwent to make money. Just not more than while looting and questing.