C# - Simplest way to remove first occurrence of a substring from another string

I need to remove the first (and ONLY the first) occurrence of a string from another string.

Here is an example replacing the string "\\Iteration". This:


would become this:


Here some code that does this:

const string removeString = "\\Iteration";
int index = sourceString.IndexOf(removeString);
int length = removeString.Length;
String startOfString = sourceString.Substring(0, index);
String endOfString = sourceString.Substring(index + length);
String cleanPath = startOfString + endOfString;

That seems like a lot of code.

So my question is this: Is there a cleaner/more readable/more concise way to do this?

Solution 1:

int index = sourceString.IndexOf(removeString);
string cleanPath = (index < 0)
    ? sourceString
    : sourceString.Remove(index, removeString.Length);

Solution 2:

string myString = sourceString.Remove(sourceString.IndexOf(removeString),removeString.Length);

EDIT: @OregonGhost is right. I myself would break the script up with conditionals to check for such an occurence, but I was operating under the assumption that the strings were given to belong to each other by some requirement. It is possible that business-required exception handling rules are expected to catch this possibility. I myself would use a couple of extra lines to perform conditional checks and also to make it a little more readable for junior developers who may not take the time to read it thoroughly enough.

Solution 3:

sourceString.Replace(removeString, "");

Solution 4:

Wrote a quick TDD Test for this

    public void Test()
        var input = @"ProjectName\Iteration\Release1\Iteration1";
        var pattern = @"\\Iteration";

        var rgx = new Regex(pattern);
        var result = rgx.Replace(input, "", 1);


rgx.Replace(input, "", 1); says to look in input for anything matching the pattern, with "", 1 time.