What's up with Plouffe's inverter? Is there an alternative?

For quite some time now (at least a year), whenever I tried to use Plouffe's inverter, the request timed out, but there's no indication either on the site itself or on the Web that it's out of service or having problems. Does anyone know whether it's still online? Have I just been extremely unlucky?

Also, if it really is offline or practically unusable, do you know of any alternatives? I know OEIS, but that's for integer sequences, and its use for decimal representations of real numbers feels a bit unnatural (though it has quite a few sequences of that kind).

Solution 1:

Try one of these:

  • Inverse Symbolic Calculator

  • Inverse Symbolic Calculator Plus

Solution 2:

I am told that the server it used to run on at UQAM doesn't exist anymore, and there are no plans to revive it there.

Edited to add: in response to a suggestion from me, the former Plouffe's Inverter site now admits that the Inverter no longer exists, and redirects users to the Inverse Symbolic Calculator Plus mentioned in the answer above.

Solution 3:

It seems that all the referenced websites are down, at least for the moment. However, I just noticed the following on Simon Plouffe's website:

2016 : Portable version of the Plouffe Inverter : Version portable de l'Inverseur de Plouffe. 3 billion entries at 32 digits precision.

This portable version can be accessed here.