How to uninstall manually installed Nvidia drivers?

How do I uninstall manually installed Nvidia drivers 310.14 and revert to Noveau. I have Ubuntu 12.10.

Yeap, was going to say what Karasu said. Just to add some information. If the driver you downloaded is called for example then you would run:

sudo ./ --uninstall

If you want to get the help for your Nvidia driver then do this: --help or a more extended version for it: -A which shows you the uninstallation option:

  Uninstall the currently installed NVIDIA driver.

There are a couple of other nice options in case you want to use them like:

-a - Accept License
-s - Silent Mode
-q - no questions
-i - Driver information
--update - Check Nvidia site and update to the latest

For cases where you use the CUDA installer, in the documentation for it you can find more options on how to uninstall it, like this excerpt:

To uninstall the CUDA Toolkit, run the uninstallation script provided in the bin directory of the toolkit. By default, it is located in /usr/local/cuda-11.0/bin:

sudo /usr/local/cuda-11.0/bin/cuda-uninstaller

To uninstall the NVIDIA Driver, run nvidia-uninstall:

sudo /usr/bin/nvidia-uninstall

And others that can be seen when you run the --help parameter

enter image description here

First you need the installation file. Then put it in your home folder, open a terminal and type

sudo ~/ --uninstall`

Then restart your computer and your drivers will be completely uninstalled. If Unity don't load after the uninstallation, right click --> change desktop background, then click on "All Settings" on the left-top corner of the window. Then go to Software sources and install a proprietary driver from the list.