Sequelize, convert entity to plain object

I'm not very familiar with javascript, and stunning, because i can't add new property, to object, that fetched from database using ORM names Sequelize.js.

To avoid this, i use this hack:

    where: {
        nodeid: node.nodeid
}).success(function (sensors) {
        var nodedata = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(node)); // this is my trick
        nodedata.sensors = sensors;

So, what normally way to add new properties to object.

If it can help, i use sequelize-postgres version 2.0.x.

upd. console.log(node):

{ dataValues: 
   { nodeid: 'NodeId',
     name: 'NameHere',
     altname: 'Test9',
     longname: '',
     latitude: 30,
     longitude: -10,
     networkid: 'NetworkId',
     farmid: '5',
     lastheard: Mon Dec 09 2013 04:04:40 GMT+0300 (FET),
     id: 9,
     createdAt: Tue Dec 03 2013 01:29:09 GMT+0300 (FET),
     updatedAt: Sun Feb 23 2014 01:07:14 GMT+0300 (FET) },
   { timestamps: true,
     createdAt: 'createdAt',
     updatedAt: 'updatedAt',
     deletedAt: 'deletedAt',
     touchedAt: 'touchedAt',
     instanceMethods: {},
     classMethods: {},
     validate: {},
     freezeTableName: false,
     underscored: false,
     syncOnAssociation: true,
     paranoid: false,
     whereCollection: { farmid: 5, networkid: 'NetworkId' },
     schema: null,
     schemaDelimiter: '',
     language: 'en',
     defaultScope: null,
     scopes: null,
     hooks: { beforeCreate: [], afterCreate: [] },
     omitNull: false,
     hasPrimaryKeys: false },
  hasPrimaryKeys: false,
   { nodeid: 'NodeId',
     name: 'NameHere',
     longname: '',
     latitude: 30,
     longitude: -110,
     networkid: 'NetworkId',
     farmid: '5',
     lastheard: Mon Dec 09 2013 04:04:40 GMT+0300 (FET),
     id: 9,
     createdAt: Tue Dec 03 2013 01:29:09 GMT+0300 (FET),
     updatedAt: Sun Feb 23 2014 01:07:14 GMT+0300 (FET),
     altname: 'Test9' },
  __eagerlyLoadedAssociations: [],
  isDirty: false,
  isNewRecord: false,
  daoFactoryName: 'Nodes',
   { options: 
      { timestamps: true,
        createdAt: 'createdAt',
        updatedAt: 'updatedAt',
        deletedAt: 'deletedAt',
        touchedAt: 'touchedAt',
        instanceMethods: {},
        classMethods: {},
        validate: {},
        freezeTableName: false,
        underscored: false,
        syncOnAssociation: true,
        paranoid: false,
        whereCollection: [Object],
        schema: null,
        schemaDelimiter: '',
        language: 'en',
        defaultScope: null,
        scopes: null,
        hooks: [Object],
        omitNull: false,
        hasPrimaryKeys: false },
     name: 'Nodes',
     tableName: 'Nodes',
      { nodeid: [Object],
        name: [Object],
        altname: [Object],
        longname: [Object],
        latitude: [Object],
        longitude: [Object],
        networkid: [Object],
        farmid: [Object],
        lastheard: [Object],
        id: [Object],
        createdAt: [Object],
        updatedAt: [Object] },
     daoFactoryManager: { daos: [Object], sequelize: [Object] },
     associations: {},
     scopeObj: {},
     primaryKeys: {},
     primaryKeyCount: 0,
     hasPrimaryKeys: false,
     autoIncrementField: 'id',
     DAO: { [Function] super_: [Function] } } }

I think next, what you think will be: "Ok, that is easy, just add your property to dataValues."

node.selectedValues.sensors = sensors;
node.dataValues.sensors = sensors;

I add this lines, and this don't work

you can use the query options {raw: true} to return the raw result. Your query should like follows:

  where: {
    nodeid: node.nodeid
  raw: true,

also if you have associations with include that gets flattened. So, we can use another parameter nest:true

  where: {
    nodeid: node.nodeid
  raw: true,
  nest: true,

For those coming across this question more recently, .values is deprecated as of Sequelize 3.0.0. Use .get() instead to get the plain javascript object. So the above code would change to:

var nodedata = node.get({ plain: true });

Sequelize docs here

Best and the simple way of doing is :

Just use the default way from Sequelize

    where: {
        nodeid: node.nodeid
    raw : true // <----------- Magic is here
}).success(function (sensors) {

Note : [options.raw] : Return raw result. See sequelize.query for more information.

For the nested result/if we have include model , In latest version of sequlize ,

    where: {
        nodeid: node.nodeid
    include : [
        { model : someModel }
    raw : true , // <----------- Magic is here
    nest : true // <----------- Magic is here
}).success(function (sensors) {