What items and augments implicitly ignore armor?

Solution 1:

On my current endless run (day 10 atm) you often come across enemies with armor lvl3, or the omni-soldiers with armor equal to their firewalls. Methods to deal with very high armor are very wanted.

Right now, I've figured out these tactics to knock out very-high-armor enemies.

  1. Holocircuit augment (with a cloak item, or a stim+cloak aug)
  2. Shock traps (put on door, have enemy open door)
  3. Flash grenades (ignore armor, not in the description, AOE but single use)
  4. Combination of Penetrating Scanner (can stack), Higher level Neural Disruptors or Shock Disruptors (each level adds an armor penetrating)
  5. If it's firewall armor: EMP to take down (watch out for magnetic fortification, it only lowers 2) then conventional means.