VS2013 Intellisense constantly stops working

I have Visual Studio 2013 with no plugins or anything fancy. Whenever I'm coding, every so often (maybe once every half hour) intellisense randomly stops completing my sentences or popping up at all when I press Ctrl+Space.

I have tried Tools->Import and export settings->Reset all settings but it did not help. The issue came right back.

The only thing that solves it for me now is to close VS and reopen it. But as you can imagine, this is extremely frustrating.

I was having the same problem and this seemed to work for me.


Basically, go to Tools >> Options >> Text Editor >> All Languages >> General and make sure that both Auto list members and Parameter information are checked (not the half-checked/square state).

This is still happening in VS2013 update 4 (I have a WPF project using C#).

This was relatively easy to fix by closing then reopening the file not the whole project.

For me, Unloading and Reloading a project fixes MVC cshtml intellisense. Right-click project, click Unload. Right click grayed out project, click Reload.

Just to be clear, this problem only happens to me when in C# MVC views, only when checked into TFS.

I have also submitted this as a bug to Microsoft, see https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/932855/vs-2013-c-default-mvc-template-breaks-upon-checkin-to-tfs-2010