Ubuntu One Preferences does not show usage, name, e-mail, current plan [closed]

That's very strange. The information (both the account info such as email and name, and the devices) is pulled over the network doing an oauth-signed REST request, using the same token the syncdaemon uses to connect.

Could you install gir1.0-soup-2.4 Install gir1.0-soup-2.4 (or gir1.2-soup-2.4 Install gir1.2-soup-2.4 if you're in Natty), python-beautifulsoup Install python-beautifulsoup, python-gtksourceview2 Install python-gtksourceview2, download watgui.py, run python ~/Downloads/watgui.py in a Terminal (assuming ~/Downloads is the folder to which you downloaded it), and see if you can see your account information and devices using that tool?

If you can successfully get your account information using watgui.py on the same computer and account where ubuntuone-preferences fails to do so, please file a bug or, if you'd rather, hop on to the #ubuntuone channel on freenode and look me up.

In any case, if you're sure your syncdaemon is connected on the computer that is not showing this information (and especially if watgui was able to get the account information), you should be OK; I'd appreciate it if you could install magicicada Install magicicada just to be sure. It would be very interesting to figure out what's going on.

I recently had similar, although not identical, behavior on my system. Following the steps in the first comment on this bug report resolved the issue for me.

  1. Quit the Ubuntu One client (open a terminal window & run "u1sdtool -q; killall ubuntuone-login" without the quotes)
  2. Open Applications->Accessories->Passwords and Encryption Keys
  3. Click on the plus symbol next to "Passwords: login" to expand the list
  4. Right-click on the Ubuntu One token and select "Delete"
  5. Go to https://one.ubuntu.com/account/machines/
  6. Click on the checkbox next to your computer
  7. Click the "Remove selected computers" button
  8. Open System --> Preferences -->Ubuntu One
  9. a web page should open, prompting you to add your computer to your Ubuntu One account
  10. Add your computer