Is there a word that means "When there's too much of something and people don't take interest anymore"?
For example, there is a new style of shoe, and when there are only a few people who wear it, it's hip and trendy, but now everybody has a pair and it's ______. Or, there's a new and popular product that has a stupid sounding name. It's so popular and the name is said so often that the name doesn't sound stupid any more. The name has become _______.
Solution 1:
... but now everybody has a pair and it's passé:
[PREDICATIVE] 1 No longer fashionable; out of date:
miniskirts are passé—the best skirts are knee-length
The name has become a cliché:
1 A phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought:
In the same way that an overused phrase inevitably becomes a cliché, a recurring joke sooner or later loses impact.
The name has become banal:
So lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring:
songs with banal, repeated words
Solution 2:
Often people say such a thing is over-exposed.