How to configure IIS on my PC so that other machines can access it

Solution 1:

Perhaps it's the Windows Firewall (or a 3rd party one) blocking that traffic...

Solution 2:

Are you attempting to connect to the web server by IP address? To isloate DNS, you may want to try connecting by IP address.

And I agree that Windows Firewall is the most likely culprit here. If you can rule out the firewall, you may want to verify the bindings of the site both from the IIS Manager and through something such as:

NETSTAT -noab > out.txt && out.txt

Solution 3:

From the remote machine try doing a telnet to port 80

telnet SERVER_IP 80

The 80 in the end is important because it tells telnet to connect to port 80. If you can't connect then I would check the windows firewall and IIS configuration. In that order.