How to chain method on a newly created object?

Solution 1:

In PHP 5.4+, the parser's been modified so you can do something like this

(new Foo())->xyz();

Wrap the instantiation in parenthesis, and chain away.

Prior to PHP 5.4, when you're using the

new Classname();

syntax, you can't chain a method call off the instantiation. It's a limitation of PHP 5.3's syntax. Once an object is instantiated, you can chain away.

One method I've seen used to get around this is a static instantiation method of some kind.

class Foo
    public function xyz()
        echo "Called","\n";
        return $this;

    static public function instantiate()
        return new self();

$a = Foo::instantiate()->xyz();

By wrapping the call to new in a static method, you can instantiate a class with method call, and you're then free to chain off that.

Solution 2:

Define a global function like this:

function with($object){ return $object; }

You will then be able to call:

with(new Foo)->xyz();

Solution 3:

In PHP 5.4 you can chain off a newly instantiated object:

For older versions of PHP, you can use Alan Storm's solution.