How to write JUnit test with Spring Autowire?

Solution 1:

Make sure you have imported the correct package. If I remeber correctly there are two different packages for Autowiring. Should be :org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;

Also this looks wierd to me :


Here is an example that works fine for me :

@ContextConfiguration(locations = { "/applicationContext_mock.xml" })
public class OwnerIntegrationTest {

    OwnerService ownerService;

    public void setup() {



    public void testOwners() {

        Owner owner = new Owner("Bengt", "Karlsson", "Ankavägen 3");
        owner = ownerService.createOwner(owner);
        assertEquals("Check firstName : ", "Bengt", owner.getFirstName());
        assertTrue("Check that Id exist: ", owner.getId() > 0);

        owner = ownerService.getOwner(owner.getId());
        assertEquals("Name is changed", "Larsson", owner.getLastName());


Solution 2:

I've done it with two annotations for test class: @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) and @SpringBootTest. Example:

@RunWith(SpringRunner.class )
public class ProtocolTransactionServiceTest {

    private ProtocolTransactionService protocolTransactionService;

@SpringBootTest loads the whole context, which was OK in my case.

Solution 3:

A JUnit4 test with Autowired and bean mocking (Mockito):

// JUnit starts with spring context
// spring loads context configuration from AppConfig class
@ContextConfiguration(classes = AppConfig.class)
// overriding some properties with test values if you need
@TestPropertySource(properties = {
public class PersonServiceTest {

    private PersonRepository repository;

    private PersonService personService; // uses PersonRepository    

    public void testSomething() {
        // using Mockito
        Person person = new Person();

        // when
        boolean found = personService.checkSomething(person);

        // then
        assertTrue(found, "Something is wrong");

Solution 4:

In Spring 2.1.5 at least, the XML file can be conveniently replaced by annotations. Piggy backing on @Sembrano's answer, I have this. "Look ma, no XML".

It appears I to had list all the classes I need @Autowired in the @ComponentScan

    basePackageClasses = {
public class OwnerIntegrationTest {
    OwnerService ownerService;
    public void testOwnerService() {