Any good implementation of Actors for C#? [closed]
Is there any good implementation of actors concurrency model for .net/c#?
I have to optimize a c# routine and i think that actors model fits perfectly as a solution for my problem. Unfortunately i have experience only with scala implementation.
Solution 1:
.NET Actor Model frameworks:
- Actors
- Virtual Actors
- Actors
Microsoft Orleans
- Virtual Actors
Solution 2:
One might also look at Project Orleans Microsofts approach on actors.(which was released last week)
This is the projects website:
Here is also a good talk from build 2014 as introduction
Using Orleans to Build Halo 4’s Distributed Cloud Services in Azure
Please note that the bits for download as posted today are CTP.
Introduction to Orleans:
And yes, it was also open sourced:
Solution 3:
You should have a look at MS Concurrency & Coordination Runtime (CCR), and the Decentralized Software Services (DSS), part of Robotic Studio.
These frameworks would allow you develop loosely coupled services that fulfill most of the actor-approach requirements.
Axum would be the best fit, unfortunately it's still in some sort of alpha/beta phase (UPDATE it has been killed in Feb. 2011). I use it for my research and must say that the general direction is great and it has enormous potential.
Not C# but C++ is Microsoft's Asynchronous Agents Library which gives you all the features that you need.
Have a good look at Parallel related features of .NET 4.
Hope it helps!