How to disable OpenOffice spell checking?

I have constant headaches disabling OpenOffice spell checking. There are several instructions on Internet, but I feel like each one depends on which OpenOffice application and which version you are using. One of the instructions seems to be very generic by saying:

"You should see a button in your icon toolbar that has letters "ABC" with squiggly red line under it. Click it once to un-select it."

But that doesn't work on my OpenOffice Draw application!

Is there any consist way to toggle spell checking on/off on all OpenOffice applications? I don't want to see any red line under any text I write ever again, even if I would really misspell something.


Have you tried unchecking all the boxes in "Tools / Options / Language settings / Writing aids" It certainly removes the red lines in my copy of draw (version 3.2.1 OOO320m18 Buld (:9502)) The disadvantage is that it disables spell check in writer as well but maybe you can live with that?

Go to Tools -> Options -> Language Settings -> Writing Aids - unmark the option of "check spelling as you type".

Then, Click Ok