Does Chrome's Download Manager resume downloads if the connection is lost or closed?

Internet Download Manager works very well and captures everything in Chrome..

For the record, Chrome's built-in download manager can and will resume downloads.

enter image description here

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Using Chrome 4.0 on Windows XP, I started downloading a large file (, then used TCPView to manually close the connection. When the connection was closed, Chrome considered the download complete, there was no option to resume.

enter image description here

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This test assumes that TCPView closing the connection appears the same to Chrome as a typical network problem. I'm not sure of the details to confirm if this is a correct assumtion.

If you have a different version of Chrome or want to test other browsers or programs, you can try using TCPView to test yourself.


  • TCPView's Close Connection command seems to only work if you're logged in as an administrator. An alternative way to test is to start the download, then unplug the Ethernet cable from the computer. After a few seconds, Chrome considered the download complete and there was no option to resume.

  • I also tested Chrome 8.0 on Windows XP. Using TCPView to close the connection and unplugging the Ethernet cable for a few seconds both caused Chrome to consider the download complete with no option to resume.

You can use Free Download Manager.

This article shows how to integrate FDM with Chrome.

Chrome does have a download manager (chrome://downloads/), if that counts.

However the resuming (especially from a lost connection) is shaky. It works for me occasionally, but at other times, especially with large files, it stops and "finishes" the way Bavi_H describes it. At least this is what I have observed.

(btw, this is on Mac OSX)