How to create a shortcut to start a Windows application with Wine?
How do I create a shortcut to start a Windows application with Wine?
For example I have Notepad++:
and I would like to have a shortcut to it on the desktop.
WLCreator is a Python program (script) that creates Linux desktop launchers for Windows programs (using Wine).
WLCreator will try to extract icons from exe file, and to search for all ico files in exe's directory and its subdirectories, and to convert them to png files. Additionally, it will search for png files in application's main directory. After that, the user is presented with a graphical interface where he/she can choose the icon and launcher's name.
The program can also be integrated in Nautilus (as nautilus-script). This makes easy creation of launchers even easier!
You’ll need to ensure you have python-qt4, icoutils, and imagemagick installed to get full use of the application.
Download .deb package from here and once you have deb package you need to double click on it to install.
Source and further information
Right click on your Desktop and then select Create Launcher.
Then enter the name and in command box enter the path of your wine application.
- Now you can simply click the launcher in your Desktop to open your wine application.
- Also have a look at this link.
"Create Launcher" isn't an option in the context menu anymore.
Here's what i do. It's not the easiest but once it's in place you can just duplicate/edit the existing files.
Open a terminal session
Create a storage folder for the launcher script
mkdir $HOME/.bin
Create the launcher script
nano $HOME/.bin/
Insert the following code without the quotes
#!/bin/bash cd "$HOME/.wineprefix/drive_c/Program\ Files/programfolder/" WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wineprefix" wine exefilename.exe
Press Ctrl+X
Press Y to save changed
Press Enter to confirm file name -
Make the script executable
sudo chmod +x ~/.bin/
Create the desktop link
nano /Desktop/appname.desktop
Insert the following code. Don't use
to indicate home directory, it does not work in.desktop
files. I made a subdirectory in.bin
for icons. If you don't have an icon you can leave the line blank.[Desktop Entry] Name=<Appname> Comment=Wine Program Exec=$HOME/.bin/ Icon=$HOME/.bin/ico/icofilename.ico Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Game; GenericName=appname
Press Ctrl+X
Press Y
Press Enter
Now your done.
To create additional launchers just copy the existing file and edit it in terminal
cp $HOME/.bin/ $HOME/.bin/
nano $HOME/.bin/
Edit and Close
cp $HOME/Desktop/appname.desktop $HOME/Desktop/newappname.desktop
nano $HOME/Desktop/newappname.desktop
Edit and Close
I want a shortcut for Fox, so here's what I did:
$ touch "$HOME/Desktop/fox.desktop"
$ sudo touch "/opt/"
$ chmod +x "$HOME/Desktop/fox.desktop"
$ sudo chmod +x "/opt/"
$ editor "$HOME/Desktop/fox.desktop" # Add the data
$ editor "/opt/" # Add the data
$ cat "/opt/"
WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wineprefix" wine "$HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/firstobject/foxe.exe"
$ cat "$HOME/Desktop/fox.desktop"
[Desktop Entry]
Icon=/home/<username>/.wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/firstobject/foxe.exe_14_128_1033_1_32x32x4.png
EDIT: If you want to grab the icon from the exe; follow this guide or use the "gExtractWinIcons" GUI (available with apt-get install