Solution 1:

From the binomial theorem, we have

$$(1+x)^n=\sum_{k=0}^n\binom{n}{k}x^k\tag 1$$

Differentiating $(1)$ reveals


Setting $x=1$ in $(2)$ yields


And we are done!

Interestingly, I showed in THIS ANSWER, that for $m<n$, we have $$\sum_{k=0}^n\binom{n}{k}(-1)^k k^m=0$$

Solution 2:

There is also a combinatorial argument:

Suppose you have a room of $n$ people and want to select a committee of $k$ of them, where one member is the chairperson. There are $k\binom{n}{k}$ ways to do this. Your sum represents the total number of ways to select such a committee of any size (from $1$ to $n$) with a chairperson.

How else can we think of this? Instead, first pick the committee chairperson. There are $n$ ways to do this. Then, go to each of the remaining $n-1$ people and decide if they should be in the committee. There are $2^{n-1}$ ways to do this. Note that we can create any committee/chairperson team this way, as before. Hence your sum is equal to $n 2^{n-1}$.