Using 'starts with' selector on individual class names

Classes that start with "apple-" plus classes that contain " apple-"

$("div[class^='apple-'],div[class*=' apple-']")

I'd recommend making "apple" its own class. You should avoid the starts-with/ends-with if you can because being able to select using would be a lot faster. That's the more elegant solution. Don't be afraid to split things out into separate classes if it makes the task simpler/faster.

While the top answer here is a workaround for the asker's particular case, if you're looking for a solution to actually using 'starts with' on individual class names:

You can use this custom jQuery selector, which I call :acp() for "A Class Prefix." Code is at the bottom of this post.

var test = $('div:acp("starting_text")');

This will select any and all <div> elements that have at least one class name beginning with the given string ("starting_text" in this example), regardless of whether that class is at the beginning or elsewhere in the class attribute strings.

<div id="1" class="apple orange lemon" />
<div id="2" class="orange applelemon banana" />
<div id="3" class="orange lemon apple" />
<div id="4" class="lemon orangeapple" />
<div id="5" class="lemon orange" />

var startsWithapp = $('div:acp("app")');

This will return elements 1, 2, and 3, but not 4 or 5.

Here's the declaration for the :acp custom selector, which you can put anywhere:

    $.expr[":"].acp = function(elem, index, m){
          var regString = '\\b' + m[3];
          var reg = new RegExp(regString, "g");
          return elem.className.match(reg);

I made this because I do a lot of GreaseMonkey hacking of websites on which I have no backend control, so I often need to find elements with class names that have dynamic suffixes. It's been very useful.

this is for prefix with


this is for starts with so you dont need to have the '-' char in there


you can find a bunch of other cool variations of the jQuery selector here

<div class="apple-monkey"></div>
<div class="apple-horse"></div>
<div class="cow-apple-brick"></div>

in this case as question Josh Stodola answer is correct Classes that start with "apple-" plus classes that contain " apple-"

$("div[class^='apple-'],div[class*=' apple-']")

but if element have multiple classes like this

<div class="some-class apple-monkey"></div>
<div class="some-class apple-horse"></div>
<div class="some-class cow-apple-brick"></div>

then Josh Stodola's solution will do not work
for this have to do some thing like this

$('.some-parent-class div').filter(function () {
  return this.className.match(/\bapple-/);// this is for start with
  //return this.className.match(/apple-/g);// this is for contain selector

may be it helps some one else thanks