Word for writing from memory

Is there a single word that means "writing from memory?"

Just as when one recites a poem or speech, he or she reproduces it from memory verbally, is there a single word that expresses the same reproduction, but via written text?

One option might be rewrite, but depending on context, this either does not imply from memory, or implies that the reproduction is deliberately inexact.

Another option might be transcribe, especially in the context of being dictated to, but similar to rewrite, this often does not imply being done from memory.

The closest answer to your question is undoubtedly the verbal construction transcribe from memory, although it is not a single word.

recount –Google

  1. verb : tell someone about something; give an account of an event or experience.
    "I recounted the tale to Steve" "Gretchen recounted everything she could remember about what happened that night"

  2. noun : an act or instance of giving an account of an event or experience.
    "one woman's recount of a prolonged battle with “huge centipedes.”"

I gave him pen and paper, and asked him to recount his experiences in WWII.

I need a soldier's recount of the events to study PTSD; I can't use the over-embellished accounts of combat photographers.

It still needs the proper context to denote that it's written and not a verbal account but it captures the idea of, "from memory."

If I need, "a detailed account of what has been achieved," I expect you to use all your available resources. If I ask you to recount it, I'm solely asking you to recall from memory, your experience.

recall –Google

  1. verb : bring (a fact, event, or situation) back into one's mind, especially so as to recount it to others; remember.

Here, the author recalls his experience in WWII.

Here, the author wrote from memory about his experiences in WWII.

Luckily, there's Stack Exchange, so I won't ever have to recount this. I'll just have to recall that I wrote it.