GRE Math Subject Test [closed]

I am studying for GRE Math. I am looking for specific tips. What types of questions usually come up? Does anyone know any tricks (e.g. integration tricks) that might be helpful? Which theorems are absolutely essential? Apparently, most of the test is calculus and probability theory. What types of calculus and probability questions come up? Overall, how to score high on the GRE Math? Please be specific.

Edit: Please do not state the obvious. I know I need to study and take the practice tests. I am looking for specific tips and tricks that might help answer some types of questions faster.

Solution 1:

The Math Subject GRE is 50% Calc 1, 2, 3, and Differential Equations. High school algebra and linear algebra are another 15-20% probably. If you do well on just those questions, you will be in the 70th or 80th percentile. Note, this is compared to students wanting to study math at graduate school, so this is very good. So, concentrate on those. But, also learn as much other stuff as you can.

Here is a link to a previous test, including the breakdown of subjects.

Note 25% is "Additional Topics". You'd need to learn several semester courses worth of material to get this stuff. Don't worry about that too much unless you are already pretty good at it. Notice that probability is a subcategory of a subcategory in this category. So, I think you are not quite right on how much probability is on the exam. The point here is concentrate on your strengths. Learning an entire new subject may get you 1 extra question. You're much better off mastering Calc 1-3, Differential Equations, and Linear Algebra. If you are already good at other subjects, then good, practice problems on those too but your time on those should be less.

When I studied for it, I used a test prep guide and I studied a lot of calculus from my calculus text book, for the most part.

Solution 2:

Be sure to study, especially if you are several years past the calculus sequence. This examination is not like easier examinations, where you can get a reasonably high score with little effort. You can't cram for it either - this is like a qualifying exam, where you need to put in consistent effort over several months. (As a bonus, the extra study will also help in your graduate classes when it is assumed knowledge.)

As far as tricks, I don't recall any that aren't standard. What I remember is a straightforward examination that touches on most everything in an undergraduate math curriculum. It didn't seem to be an exam that requires cleverness, just reasonable thorough ability with undergraduate mathematics.

Solution 3:

Consensus from people I know is that the current tests are generally a bit harder than the practice tests which are available. If you want to score about the 85th percentile on test day, you should be able to finish a practice test to about the 90th percentile in a little over 2 hours having never seen that particular exam before.

Another thing is that it helps to have a familiarity with the sort of calculus questions that are asked on the test, and a good strategy can be the following: grade for advanced calculus or beginning real analysis classes at your undergraduate institution. I found that having been a grader for my university's honors calculus class and a first quarter real analysis course helped because I had kept the knowledge in my head and I could quickly go through and do these sorts of problems. Other friends of mine who took the test who had graded calculus and analysis before reported similar statements.

Finally, it helps to keep in mind that doing well on this test does not correlate strongly with going to good graduate programs. Most reasonable places look at the math subject GRE and expect you to not fail it- it is not so important except as a basic hurdle to get over. What I've heard from admissions committees is that most important things are good letters of recommendation from professors.