Ho do you view all your monitoring software [closed]

In my office I have all our monitoring tools setup and working great, but I dont have an easy way to view them.

I have a large TV in my office plugged into an old PC that has my nagios status page always showing. If I need to change anything on that computer I use Synergy to access the computer from my desktop.

We are thinking about adding another TV and I want some suggestions on setting it all up.

We are a 99.99% Windows shop.

What do you use to run all the TV's in your helpdesk?

Synergy works for me, but what if one of the other admins want to change the screen? Is there any easy way that any of us (currently 4 people) can change the screen from our desktops? (Remote desktop doesn't work because it locks the console which is the output to the TVs.)

Any advice would help, Thanks.

You could use VNC. It can be configured to not lock the screen and to allow multiple simultaneous users.

Simple, just get organised. From the sounds of it you must be spending most of your time looking at screens, instead of using the computers to tell you when something need to be looked at.

Start by learning what really needs to be monitored constantly. e.g. There should be no reason to keep a Nagios display on screen if you set up alerting properly. Then reduce the clutter and learn to work with windows, rather than screens. Why is Nagios on a separate screen instead of a separate tab in your web browser? I'm sure the same principles can be applied to much of what you use.

We have found allowing multiple people to control what is viewed hasn't worked so well. Some will want to look at their own task list, some will watch movies, right-handed (or -brained) people will want certain items on one side and others the opposite. As long as someone can rearrange it, they will and just as soon as you need to look at something when the stuff hits the fan it either won't be on the screen or in the wrong place.

We have 1 monitor watching the servers and 3 monitors split around the room watching the call and workflow queues.

We use hobbit as our monitoring tool, its non green page has almost everything we need. But its lacking a view of.our vmware enviroment and everyting regarding ou inhouse.software. So, I'm probably going to write something from scratch.

I also recomend googling atlassian wallboard contest, some amazing entries there.