Easiest way to include a stop parameter in enumerate python?

for i, row in enumerate(myiterable[2:], start=2):
   if i>= limit: break


for i,row in itertools.takewhile(lambda (i,val):i < limit,enumerate(myiterable[2:],2)):

to rephrase the other suggestion (note that it will only work if your iterable is a sliceable object)

start,stop = 11,20
my_items = range(100)
for i,row in enumerate(my_items[start:stop],start):

I think you've misunderstood the 'start' keyword, it doesn't skip to the nth item in the iterable, it starts counting at n, for example:

for i, c in enumerate(['a', 'b', 'c'], start=5):
    print i, c


5 a
6 b
7 c

For simple iterables like lists and tuples the simplest and fastest method is going to be something like:

obj = range(100)
start = 11
stop = 22
for i, item in enumerate(obj[start:stop], start=start):