How to paste from multiple clipboards vim without leaving insert mode?
Solution 1:
ctrl-r follwed by the register lets you paste the contents of a register without leaving insert mode.
Ctrl + r" Put from the default register
Ctrl + rd Put from register d
By the way, in vim they're called "registers" not "clipboards" and the verb is "put", not "paste". (Reminder, to get a visual selection into register d, you would use "dy)
Solution 2:
Do you need those expressions to come from clipboards?
You can easily do something like this:
:iab some_unique_string foo bar baz
And vim will replace "some_unique_string" with "foo bar baz" as soon as you enter it in insert mode.
Solution 3:
If its always the same expressions, e.g. in java programming things like "private static void main(String... args)" you can use a plugin like snipmate. You can configure it so you can just type "main<Tab>
" and it will exapnd to the long java code needed, and it has more cool features...